In the process of growing my business, journaling enhances my creativity by helping me keep track of all the creative ideas that come to me. It is an excellent way to document them so I don’t let them drift off and forget completely. It’s a wonderful practice for anyone with a creative profession. This includes musicians, artists, writers, graphic and web designers, as well as entrepreneurs and executives. Graphic designers.
Creativity is really all about identifying patterns, problems solving, and using information in new and unique ways. Many successful people are creative thinkers. So creativity can lead to success.
It takes practice to be creative, but sometimes it is difficult to practice being creative. Journaling can come in handy with this. I am more apt to apply my creativity to my daily tasks when I record my experiences, thoughts and ideas in my journal.
Three ways Journaling Enhances Creativity
Practice Thinking Freely
Let your ideas flow without holding back. This could be a daily dump of your accomplishments. You could jot down your dreams while they’re still fresh in your mind. Or in the evening, you might take some time to do a stream of consciousness exercise. This is free-flowing writing of whatever comes to you without judging what comes out. This type of journaling enhances your creativity and can lead to the second way.
Document Your Best Ideas
Often I get my best ideas when I don’t have time to do anything with them. But you can jot them down in a journal so they don’t fade away, becoming forever lost. Just take a moment when the idea strikes to make a note of it. This includes in the middle of the night when some of my best ideas come to me. If I don’t write it down, I likely won’t remember in the morning. Just keep a notepad near the bed and transfer it to your journal the next day.
Sometimes I just need to give myself a break and relax. If I’m struggling to be creative, I can use my journal to relax instead. Maybe jot down new experiences. Or take a short trip and record your experiences. Even start a new hobby and log your progress.
Try Journaling to Enhance Your Creativity
I encourage you to try keeping track of your amazing ideas. We all have them, even though you might not give yourself credit. I have faith in you! So, whenever they come to you, please jot them down so they don’t slip away. Your journal is a great place to store them so when you’re free to make them a reality, you’ll know where to find them.
Just remember there doesn’t have to be a filter on what gets recorded in your journal. If you are the type of person who gets a flash of creativity every other minute (or not), a journal might be a very sensible way for you to keep track of it. Even if you don’t consider yourself creative, taking the time to commit your ideas to paper might be the tool you need to discover a side of yourself you didn’t even know was there.
So now what?
My Free Gift to Help You Enhance your Creativity
Life easily overwhelmed me at the beginning of my addiction recovery. A counselor in rehab gave me the idea that journaling could help me sort things out. Even though I wasn’t convinced back then, I decided to try out this journaling thing and was surprised with the results. My stress level is minimal today compared to back then. But my stress hasn’t magically gone away just because I stopped using. Journaling is still an invaluable way for me to get some relief. Now I want my readers to experience this way of relieving stress.
There were many times that I wished I had a journal that was more than just a notebook. Something that had guides, prompts, and practical help. That’s why I created this Gratitude & Stress Journal. It’s my free gift to you, to help you get started with your addiction recovery process. I’m really excited to give this journal to you and help you make the most of it! Just CLICK HERE to get your copy now.