Refresh your Recovery – SimplyALIGN™ your Mind
Refresh your Recovery – SimplyALIGN™ your Mind

Energy Healing And Coaching So You Can Live With Confidence, Courage And Hope!

Hello! I’m an addict in recovery, who learned — through experience — how to live a hopeful and fulfilling life. I can help you, through one-on-one conversations, energy healing and coaching, to have the type of life you want. Ask yourself:

  • Do you feel hopeless because you can’t stop using drugs or alcohol? Or are you obsessing on other behaviors that make you feel better for a while but are really wrecking your life?
  • Do you feel hopeless because, even after putting down the drugs, you’re still wrecking your life and the lives of people you love?
  • Do you avoid making your dream a reality because you think that you and the world both know that you’re a failure, a loser, or not good enough?
  • When things are going good for you, do you end up wrecking them because something inside tells you that you don’t deserve good things?
  • Do you get angry because you don’t want to or don’t know how to feel painful feelings?
  • Does a little voice in your head constantly tell you how terrible you are?
  • Do you find yourself trying to be perfect because you know that is the only way the world would ever accept you?
  • Have you isolated yourself from others because then there’s a better chance you won’t get bullied, teased, insulted or rejected?
  • Do you pretend to like the same things your friends like because you don’t want to be rejected for being different?
  • Are you constantly giving up doing things for yourself so you can do something for someone else so they will like you?
  • Do you justify or rationalize something you did to make it seem reasonable or acceptable, when you know it really wasn’t?
  • Do you feel broken and think you have no reason to live?
  • Are you afraid to ask for help?

What makes me different than most people who have asked these questions?

I’ve Been There.

I have personally answered yes to all of these questions. I’ve gone through — and am still part of — 12-Step and other programs that have changed my life. I empathize with what you are going through. I started where you are today. Now I have the experience, strength, hope and tools that can transform someone who feels the way you do into a person with a surprising level of freedom from obsession, compulsion and self-centeredness.

Not only am I an addict in recovery, with that experience, but I’m also certified to use SimplyALIGN™. It is a method of energy healing I use to quickly clear away limiting beliefs and negative attitudes that dominate your thinking. My tools and training can help you make room for the empowering beliefs and positive attitudes that we all seek.

What are the bottom line benefits you will get when you work with me?

Belief in yourself. Freedom from limiting beliefs. Confidence. Courage to change. Tools to change. A willingness to be vulnerable and authentic., Self-acceptance. Hope.
Do you BELIEVE you can have a good life? Do you HOPE you can? Even if you feel doubt, that’s okay! I understand that feeling. I’m here to tell you it IS POSSIBLE. Please schedule an appointment to talk to me. I promise you’ll find a sympathetic and empathic listener. Someone who “gets you.” I’m here because someone listened to me. Let me help you start to change your life.

I sincerely look forward to working with you!

Book an energy healing session now!
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