Having more gratitude in your life is one of the top benefits of journaling, and can also help you to reduce stress in your life. When I’m being self-centered, feeling entitled, or things just aren’t going my way, my sponsor reminds me that I need to think about what I’m grateful for. Gratitude journaling is where anyone, including you, gets to list everything or anything you feel grateful for. It helps you relieve stress and elevates your mood. It helps you realize that even though you might not have everything you want, or believe you deserve, you have everything you need. After looking at all the good in your life that you have, is there really any way you wouldn’t feel better?
Learning to be grateful for the good in your life has countless benefits. According to a study done at Berkeley University, people reported feeling motivated and energized when feeling gratitude and reached their goals more often. They also reported fewer physical symptoms of illness, better social lives, and more desire to be of service. Another study determined that when people focus on the positive things in their lives, they become more resilient and are better prepared to bear emotional turbulence. We all know that happy people tend to be more optimistic and friendlier overall. I’m sure that finding some gratitude can enhance your quality of life in many of these ways.
So now what?
My Free Gift to Help you in your Recovery
Life easily overwhelmed me at the beginning of my addiction recovery. A counselor in rehab gave me the idea that journaling could help me sort things out. My counselor’s recommendation didn’t convince me but I decided to try out journaling anyway and the results surprised me. My stress level is minimal today when compared to my past. But my stress hasn’t magically gone away just because I stopped using. Journaling is still an invaluable way for me to get some relief. Now I want my readers to experience this way of relieving stress.
There were many times that I wished I had a journal that was more than just a notebook. Something that had guides, prompts, and practical help. That’s why I created this Gratitude & Stress Journal. It’s my free gift to you, to help you get started with your addiction recovery process. I’m really excited to give this journal to you and help you make the most of it! Just CLICK HERE to get your copy now.